Karnataka S&E Act amends PL Leaves to 45 days

The KN State Government has passed the KN S&E Act Amendment of Section 15 on 19th February 2021 (Governor Assent issued on 17th Feb 2021), the Earned Leave Carry forward provision from the existing thirty days of leave to forty five days of leave to succeeding year is brought into immediate effect.

Impact to the establishments:

  • The KN S&E Act, 1961 has amended Sec 15 allowing all employees to carry forward 45 days of Annual Leave to the succeeding year.
  • Existing S&E Act, Sec 15(7) also has the provision of Annual leave carry forward for young persons as 40 days, this distinction is removed in this circular. Annual Leave carry forward 45 days provision is applicable to all employees.
  • This change applies to both on roll and off roll employees.